Amnesty International UK
UK Take Action Page:
Stop Torture Campaign:
International human rights agency with over 10,000 documents pertaining
to human rights online. Browse through Amnesty's country reports and sign up to Amnesty's Stop Torture campaign.
British Medical Association
The BMA re-affirms its support for the Declaration of Tokyo and its condemnation
of the practice of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.
Human Rights Watch
Investigates and exposes human rights violations occurring worldwide. Their
website provides an extensive listing of country reports documenting human rights abuse, and a there is a page with information
on what you can do to make a difference. You can also support HRW by visiting their film festival in London during March this year.
International Rehabilitation Council for Torture
Victims (IRCT)
Based in Denmark, this organization promotes
the treatment and rehabilitation of torture victims globally, and contributes to the prevention of torture. Contact them via
the website if you are interested in working for them.
Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims
of Torture
Provides care and rehabilitation to survivors of torture and other forms
of organized violence. You can donate via a Special Day Pack, take out a Visa card with an ethical bank and give as you shop,
join a local group or even organize an event yourself. The website has all the info.
Physicians for Human Rights
Coalition of health professionals, scientists and concerned citizens
that investigate and prevent violations of international human rights and humanitarian law. Membership details are online.
London-based, internationally focused, non-profit legal/human rights
organization. Works to obtain reparation for survivors of torture and campaigns for effective remedies where they do not exist.
This site has an extensive database of international treaties, laws, case judgments and decisions, as well as informative
links. Information on Gift Aid is available online.
Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition
A coalition of human rights non-governmental organizations that is collectively
dedicated to the eradication of torture, and seeks to raise awareness about torture through legislation and other forms of
non-violent social action. Click on 'Action' for current campaigns and a list of e-mails/contact details of those we should
World Organization Against Torture
Coalition of non-governmental organizations fighting against arbitrary
detention, torture, summary and extra-judicial executions, forced disappearances and other forms of violence. Its global network
comprises nearly 300 local, national and regional organizations. Website has information on subscriptions and donations.