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What They Do To Food

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MSG Food Additive is a Slow Poison


This was sent to me by a friend today. I checked out some web sites and found a couple of others on the subject. What a sneaky underhanded way to create sick people. Profiteers.

You are what you eat for sure.


 MSG - used in Coffee - (read this for sure) please read
this. It is startling!! Food additive "MSG" is a Slow Poison. Slow Poisoning
MSG hides behind 25 or more names, such as "Natural Flavoring".

 MSG is also in your favorite Tim Horton's and other
brand coffee shops! Pass this on to those who still may be unaware
or disbelieving of the dangers of MSG. I wondered if there could be an actual chemical causing the massive obesity
epidemic, so did a friend of mine, John Erb. He was a research
assistant at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, and
spent years working for the government.
 He made an amazing discovery while going through
scientific journals for a book he was writing called "The Slow
Poisoning of America ". In hundreds of studies around the world,
scientists were creating obese mice and rats to use in diet or
diabetes test studies.

 No strain of rat or mice is naturally obese, so the
scientists have to create them. They make these morbidly obese
creatures by injecting them with MSG when they are first born. The
MSG triples the amount of insulin the pancreas creates; causing rats
(and humans?) to become obese. They even have a title for the fat
rodents they create: "MSG-Treated Rats".

 I was shocked too. I went to my kitchen, checking the
cupboards and the fridge. MSG was in everything! The Campbell 's
soups, the Hostess Doritos, the Lays flavored potato chips, Top
Ramen, Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper, Heinz canned gravy, Swanson
frozen prepared meals, Kraft salad dressings, especially the
'healthy low fat' ones.
 The items that didn't have MSG marked on the product
label had something called ''Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein'',
which is just another name for Monosodium Glutamate. It was
shocking to see just how many of the foods we feed our children
everyday are filled with this stuff. They hide MSG under many
different names in order to fool those who carefully read the
ingredient list, so they don't catch on. (Other names for MSG:
 'Accent' - 'Aginomoto' - 'Natural Meet Tenderizer' etc)
But it didn't stop there.

 When our family went out to eat, we started asking at
the restaurants what menu items had MSG. Many employees, even the
managers, swore they didn't use MSG. But when we ask for the
ingredient list, which they grudgingly provided, sure enough MSG and
 Vegetable Protein were everywhere. Burger King,
McDonalds, Wendy's, Taco Bell , every restaurant, even the sit down
ones like TGIF, Chilis', Applebees and Denny's use MSG in abundance.  Kentucky Fried Chicken seemed to be the WORST offender: MSG was in
every chicken dish, salad dressing and gravy. No wonder I loved to
eat that coating on the skin, their secret spice was MSG!

 So why is MSG in so may of the foods we eat?.. Is it a preservative or a vitamin??
 Not according to my friend John. In the book he wrote,
an expose of the food additive industry called "The Slow Poisoning
of America” he said that MSG is added to food for the addictive
effect it has on the human body.


 Even the propaganda website sponsored by the food
manufacturers lobby group supporting MSG at:
 http://www.msgfactscom/facts/msgfact12.html explains
that the reason they add it to food is to make people eat more. A
study of the elderly showed that people eat more of the foods that
it is
added to. The Glutamate Association lobby group says
eating more benefits the elderly, but what does it do to the rest of
us? 'Bet you can't eat just one', takes on a whole new meaning where
MSG is concerned! And we wonder why the nation is overweight?

 The MSG manufacturers themselves admit that it addicts
people to their products. It makes people choose their product over
others, and makes people eat more of it than they would if MSG
wasn't added.

 Not only is MSG scientifically proven to cause obesity,
it is an addictive substance! Since its introduction into the
 food supply fifty years ago, MSG has been added in
larger and larger doses to the pre-packaged meals, soups, snacks and
fast foods we are tempted to eat everyday. The FDA has set no
limits on how much of it can be added to food.

They claim it's safe to eat in any amount. How can
they claim it safe when there are hundreds of scientific studies
with titles like these? : - The monosodium glutamate (MSG) obese rat
as a model for the study of exercise in obesity'. Gobatto CA, Mello
MA, Souza CT,
 Ribeiro IA.Res Commun Mol Pathol Pharmacol. 2002.

 Adrenalectomy abolishes the food-induced hypothalamic
 serotonin release in both normal and monosodium
glutamate-obese rats'. Guimaraes RB, Telles MM, Coelho VB, Mori C,
Nascimento CM, Ribeiro Brain Res Bull. 2002 Aug.

 Obesity induced by neonatal monosodium glutamate
treatment in spontaneously hypertensive rats: an animal model of
multiple risk factors'.

 Iwase M, Yamamoto M, Iino K, Ichikawa K, Shinohara N,
Yoshinari Fujishima Hypertens Res. 1998 Mar.

 Hypothalamic lesion induced by injection of monosodium
glutamate in suckling period and subsequent development of obesity'.
 Tanaka K, Shimada M, Nakao K, Kusunoki Exp Neurol.
1978 Oct.

 Yes, that last study was not a typo, it WAS written in 1978.
 Both the "medical research community" and "food
manufacturers" have known about MSG's side effects for decades!
Many more studies mentioned in John Erb's book link MSG to Diabetes,
 Migraines and headaches, Autism, ADHD and even
Alzheimer's. But what can we do to stop the food manufactures from
dumping fattening and addictive MSG into our food supply and causing
the obesity epidemic we now see?

 Even as you read this, G. W. Bush and his corporate
supporters are pushing a Bill through Congress called the "Personal
Responsibility in Food Consumption Act" also known as the
"Cheeseburger Bill", this sweeping law bans anyone from suing food
manufacturers, sellers and distributors. Even if it comes out that
they purposely added an addictive chemical to their foods.

 The Bill has already been rushed through the House of
Representatives, and is due for the same rubber stamp at Senate
level. It is important that Bush and his corporate supporters
 get it through before the media lets everyone know
about 'MSG, the intentional Nicotine for food'.

 Several months ago, John Erb took his book and his
concerns to one of the highest government health officials in Canada.
 While sitting in the Government office, the official
told him "Sure I know how bad MSG is, I wouldn't touch the stuff!"
But this top level government official refused to tell the public
what he knew.

 The big media doesn't want to tell the public either,
fearing legal issues with their advertisers. It seems that the
fallout on fast food industry may hurt their profit margin. The
food producers and restaurants have been addicting us to their
products for years, and now we are paying the price for it. Our
children should not be cursed with obesity caused by an addictive
food additive. But what can I do about it?... I'm just one voice!

 What can I do to stop the poisoning of our children,
while our governments are insuring financial protection for the
industry that is poisoning us!

 This e-mail is going out to everyone I know in an
attempt to tell you the truth that the corporate owned politicians
and media won't tell you.

 The best way you can help to save yourself and your
children from this drug-induced epidemic, is to forward this email
to everyone. With any luck, it will circle the globe before
politicians can pass the legislation protecting those who are
poisoning us. The food industry learned a lot from the tobacco
industry. Imagine if big tobacco had a bill like this in place
before someone blew the whistle on Nicotine?

 If you are one of the few who can still believe that
MSG is good for us, and you don't believe what John Erb has to say,
see for yourself. Go to the National Library of Medicine, at
 http://www.pubmed.com/. Type in the words "MSG Obese"
and read a few of the 115 medical studies that appear.

This one of them

 We the public, do not want to be rats in one giant
experiment and we do not approve of food that makes us into a nation
of obese, lethargic, addicted sheep, feeding the food industry's
bottom line, while waiting for the heart transplant, diabetic
induced amputation, blindness or other obesity induced, life
threatening disorders. With your help we can put an end to this
poison. Do your part in sending this message out by word of mouth,
e-mail or by distribution of this print-out to all your friends all
over the world and stop this 'Slow Poisoning of Mankind' by the
packaged food industry.


Here is another site with Information about this as well

Information about obesity and other effects of processed free glutamic acid (MSG) and where it is hidden in cosmetics, drugs, dietary supplements, vaccines, infant formula, and food fed to people and animals. Loads of Information at this site.


 Blowing the whistle on MSG is our responsibility, get
the word out.

Researchers at the University of Minnesota have found residues from animal antibiotics in common produce, says a
new study. Spreading raw manure on fields from animals treated with antibiotics is a common practice on conventional farms. Unfortunately scientists have now discovered that vegetables like corn, cabbage and green onions absorb those antibiotics, which are then ingested by consumers. "Vegetarians may think the huge overuse of antibiotics in livestock and poultry will not affect them, but that's not true," stated Margaret Mellon, the director of the Union of Concerned Scientists. "Consumers eating vegetables grown on soil fertilized with manure may be unknowingly ingesting antibiotics." Regular consumption of these antibiotics can then cause bacteria in the body to become resistant. http://www.organicconsumers.org/foodsafety/antibiotics112305.cfm

Action for people in US

The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) needs your immediate help to stop Congress and the Bush administration from seriously degrading organic standards. After 35 years of hard work, the U.S. organic community has built up a multi-billion dollar alternative to industrial agriculture, based upon strict organic standards and organic community control over modification to these standards.

Now, large corporations such as Kraft, Wal-Mart, & Dean Foods--aided and abetted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) are moving to lower organic standards by allowing a Bush appointee to create a list of synthetic ingredients that would be allowed organic production. Even worse these proposed regulatory changes will reduce future public discussion and input and take away the National Organic Standards Board’s (NOSB) traditional lead jurisdiction in setting standards. What this means, in blunt terms. is that USDA bureaucrats and industry lobbyists, not consumers, will now have more control over what can go into organic foods and products. (
Send a quick letter to your Congressperson online here: )

Tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept. 20, acting in haste and near-total secrecy, the U.S. Senate will vote on a "rider" to the 2006 Agriculture Appropriations Bill that will reduce control over organic standards from the National Standards Board and put this control in the hands of federal bureaucrats in the USDA (remember the USDA proposal in 1997-98 that said that genetic engineering, toxic sludge, and food irradiation would be OK on organic farms, or USDA suggestions in 2004 that heretofore banned pesticides, hormones, tainted feeds, and animal drugs would be OK?).

For the past week in Washington, OCA has been urging members of the Senate not to reopen and subvert the federal statute that governs U.S. Organic standards (the Organic Food Production Act—OFPA), but rather to let the organic community and the National Organic Standards resolve our differences over issues like synthetics and animal feed internally, and then proceed to a open public comment period. Unfortunately most Senators seem to be listening to industry lobbyists more closely than to us. We need to raise our voices. (
Send a quick letter to your Congressperson online here: )

In the past, grassroots mobilization and mass pressure by organic consumers have been able to stop the USDA and Congress from degrading organic standards. This time Washington insiders tell us that the "fix is already in." So we must take decisive action now. We need you to call your U.S. Senators today. We need you to sign the following petition and send it to everyone you know. We also desperately need funds to head off this attack in the weeks and months to come. Thank you for your support. Together we will take back citizen control over organic standards and preserve organic integrity.

For more information go to the SOS section on our website
Click here to donate money to OCA’s SOS—Save Organic Standards—Campaign
Call the Capital Switchboard here: 877-762-8762
Send a quick letter to your Congressperson online here:


6771 South Silver Hill Drive
Finland, MN 55603
Phone: (218)-353-7454 Fax: (218) 353-7652



What's in the Meat You Eat?
Did you know that approximately 70 percent of all antibiotics and related drugs produced in the United States are given to livestock and poultry? These drugs are used for nontherapeutic purposes such as accelerating growth and preventing the diseases caused by overcrowded and unsanitary conditions on "factory farms." Unfortunately, this practice results in antibiotic-resistant bacteria that can cause difficult-to-treat diseases in humans.







1. Overuse leaves drug useless against avian influenza
Farmers in China have been using an antiviral drug meant for humans to control avian influenza in their chickens since the late 1990s. As a result, the subtype of avian influenza that is considered most likely to trigger a human pandemic has developed resistance to the drug. It’s the first time overuse in animal agriculture of an antiviral, rather than an antibiotic, has compromised the efficacy of a human drug in a major way. The Chinese government encouraged farmers to use the drug, called amantadine, although such use is banned in the United States and many other countries. The only remaining drug that could be used to treat humans, oseltamivir, is prohibitively expensive and difficult to obtain. The situation is a dramatic example of why UCS advocates against the inappropriate use in animal agriculture of drugs that are valuable in human medicine.
Read the Washington Post article about the story.

2. USDA criticized on mad cow investigation
The second case of mad cow disease in the U.S. – the first in a U.S.-born cow – was confirmed in June. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has been criticized for: not releasing the news until last month, although initial tests were done last November; mislabeling the sample; and not running a confirmatory test sooner after one test was positive and another produced an inconclusive result. The positive reading of mad cow was finally confirmed by a laboratory in England. The USDA screens only one cow in 90 for mad cow disease, while Europe screens one cow in four and Japan screens every cow it slaughters. The USDA also allows risky practices to continue, such as feeding chicken litter that may contain cow parts back to cattle.
Read the New York Times article about the case here.

3. House acts to ban fluoroquinolone-treated chicken in school lunches
The House of Representatives passed a measure in June intended to prevent the federal school lunch program from buying chicken treated with fluoroquinolones, a class of antibiotics that includes Cipro and other vital drugs for humans. The measure, an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2006 agriculture appropriations bill, was sponsored by Representative Sherrod Brown (D-13th/OH). Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) will offer a similar amendment in the Senate. Routine treatment of farm animals with antibiotics spurs the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that can infect humans. The Food and Drug Administration has been trying to end the use of fluoroquinolones in chickens since 2000, but has been blocked by legal appeals by manufacturer Bayer Corporation. To read more, visit

 4. Whole Foods will label food GE-free
Whole Foods Market and Wild Oats grocery stores both committed in 2001 to using only non-genetically engineered (GE) ingredients in their company brand products. Now Whole Foods, the world’s largest supplier of natural and organic foods, has announced it will label its products, including all organic food, GE-free. Growers and producers who sell to Whole Foods will have to substantiate their non-GE practices through documentation and independent laboratory tests.
Read Whole Foods' policy.

5. What you can do (1): Participate in a Farm Bill forum
Members of the public are invited to give input on the 2007 Farm Bill at a series of forums hosted by Mike Johanns, the Secretary of Agriculture. This is a great opportunity for you to tell Secretary Johanns what you want U.S. agriculture to look like and what role the USDA should play. For example, you might want to tell him you want the USDA to assist farmers in making the transition to organic, to encourage farmers to act as environmental stewards, and to establish programs reducing the use of antibiotics in animal agriculture. Remind him that agribusiness is not his only constituent. It’s our USDA too.
Farm Bill sessions that have been scheduled so far:
· July 26, noon-3 pm (CST) – North Dakota State Fair, Minot, ND
· August 3, 4-7 pm – Minnesota Farm Fest, Redwood County, MN
· August 4, 11 am-2 pm – Wisconsin State Fair, West Allis, WI
More forums will be scheduled at sites around the country. You can also submit comments at

6. What you can do (2): Help save the Conservation Security Program
The USDA is requesting public comments on the Revised Interim Final Rule for the Conservation Security Program, a voluntary stewardship incentives program that rewards farmers for conservation practices that protect water and soil, improve habitat, and increase energy efficiency. USDA is hobbling the program by funding too few farmers in too few areas of the country. This innovative program needs your support. Comments are due by July 25, 2005. For detailed information about the program and suggestions for writing effective comments on this rule, visit

Monsanto Corn Study raises safety questions: According to the study, rats that were fed MON 863 had smaller kidneys and elevated levels of white blood cells and lymphocytes compared to those that were fed conventional corn. In the United States and Canada, farmers have been growing MON 863 corn since 2003. (Also Check Dangerous Chemicals for more information)

Also, ¾ way down page is info on MSG.

FDA Lists 92 Symptoms from Nutrasweet (Aspartame)
(including Death!)

Many links to aspartame info.

Support group for aspartame victims.

The information on msgtruth.org is a culmination of the important independent research regarding the food additive Monosodium Glutamate. msgtruth.org is a not-for-profit site created by scientific, caring citizens trained in food science, food processing, and biology, who no longer work for the food industry.

You or someone you care about is suffering from puzzling chronic conditions such as headaches, stomach disorders, fatigue, depression, and many other problems. Tests have come up negative and you want answers.

Definitions & links.

This Web site contains a great deal of information that those who are sensitive to processed free glutamic acid (MSG), or people who simply want to avoid the substance, will find useful. It also contains information about the glutamate industry's infrastructure, their stable of industry sponsored scientists, their public relations firms, and some of the methods they use to convince the public that neurotoxic MSG is "safe."

Splenda) Sucralose Toxicity Info Center

Splenda, or Sucralose, is a chlorocarbon. The chlorocarbons have long been famous for causing organ, genetic, and reproductive damage.

Articles on many things that we are told are "safe".

Iowa, North Carolina are top users of antibiotics in livestock
A new report by Environmental Defense ranks antibiotic use in animal agriculture by state. Iowa ranks highest in antibiotic use, with 2.2 million pounds of medically important antibiotics fed to livestock annually, followed by North Carolina with 1.7 million pounds. Delaware is the most intensive user, with 187,000 pounds of antibiotics per thousand square miles. People living in areas with intensive use of antibiotics as feed additives may be at greater risk of contracting antibiotic-resistant infections. The rankings were based on data taken from UCS’s report (2000). Read the new report,
Resistant Bugs and Antibiotic Drugs (PDF).

The results of our study indicate the following:Tetracycline, penicillin, erythromycin, and other antimicrobials that are important in human use are used extensively in the absence of disease for nontherapeutic purposes in today's livestock production.

Cattle, swine, and poultry are routinely given antimicrobials throughout their lives. Many of the antimicrobials given to livestock are important in human medicine.

The overall quantity of antimicrobials used in agriculture is enormous.Many consumers will be surprised to find that tens of millions of pounds of antimicrobials are used in livestock systems. We estimate that every year livestock producers in the United States use 24.6 million pounds of antimicrobials in the absence of disease for nontherapeutic purposes: approximately 10.3 million pounds in hogs, 10.5 million pounds in poultry, and 3.7 million pounds in cattle. The tonnage would be even higher if antimicrobials used therapeutically for animals were included.

GM soy hit harder by Brazil's drought than conventional varieties

Date Posted: 4/4/2005

English IPS News via NewsEdge Corporation : RIO DE JANEIRO -- Drought in southern Brazil has reduced this year's important soybean harvest dramatically in Rio Grande do Sul state -- and added fuel to the heated national debate about transgenic crops.

Genetically modified (GM) soy, which accounts for the majority of soybean production in the southern state, suffered greater losses than conventional soy varieties, according to reports by local growers.

Following the example of Germany, Denmark has passed a law that will punish farmers planting genetically engineered (GE) crops if they contaminate the crops or fields of organic or non-GE farmers. Because GE crops sell for less than organic or conventional crops, farmers whose fields are contaminated by drifting GE pollen undergo major financial losses. Under the new law, if a farmer is growing conventional or organic crops, and their field is contaminated by drifting GE pollen, the farmer will be compensated for their losses by the government. The Denmark government will then recoup those costs from the farmer whose field the GE pollen originated in.

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