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Germ Warfare
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I just started this page there is more information about germ warfare in Updated news pages. I will be adding more as I find it.

The Biological And Toxin Weapons Convention And Iraq

Motion in the UK Parliament has been tabled for a third time

10/20/05 "
PIMS" Parliamentary Information Management Services

Mitchell, Austin

That this House notes that the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention binds signatories not to transfer to any nation any agents, toxins, weapons and equipment of biological and toxin warfare and provides that any nation finding another signatory in breach of this undertaking may lodge a complaint to the UN Security Council;

Notes that the Riegle Report to the US Senate has published evidence that the US sold bacillus anthracis, clostridium botulinum, histoplasma capsulatum, brucella, melitensis and clostridium perfringens to agencies of the Iraqi government pursuant to export licences issued by the US Department of Commerce, at a time when the US was fully aware of the Iraqi biological warfare programme and that these exports have been fully documented noting,

Saddam's germ war plot is traced back to one Oxford cow

By Dominic Kennedy

08/09/05 "
The Times" -- -- A BRITISH cow that died in an Oxfordshire field in 1937 has emerged as the source of Saddam Hussain’s "weapons of mass destruction" programme that led to the Iraq war.

An ear from the cow was sent to an English laboratory, where scientists discovered anthrax spores that were later used in secret biological warfare tests by Winston Churchill.

The culture was sent to the United States, which exported samples to Iraq during Saddam’s war against Iran in the 1980s. Inspectors have found that this batch of anthrax was the dictator’s choice in his attempts to create biological weapons.

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